Sunday, February 28, 2010

Month 2

Another month down, another update on the list. I still haven't completed one single task, but I've been working on them. I hope to complete one task over spring break, so we'll see. Anyway, on to the updates.
17. Watch 26 movies, each one starting with a different letter of the alphabet (3/26).
  • Dear John (2-20-10)
  • Facing the Giants
  • Valentine's Day (2-12-10)
31. Give someone a thank-you card once a month (2/33).
  • My mom (January 2010)
  • My second thank-you card went to my preceptor for my Management clinical rotation, Loretta. (February 2010)
38. Go to the movies at least 5 times a year (2/15).
  • Valentine's Day (2-12-10)
  • Dear John (2-20-10)
41. Learn one new word a month (2/33).
  • Panacea (January 2010)
  • Gelid (jel-id)- adjective- extremely cold; icy. (February 2010)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Not Neverland

Today was the first day toward the start of the rest of my life. Job searching. And not just a measly part-time job as a cashier or computer-watcher that I would dump as soon as I no longer needed it, but a real, serious "big girl" job. A job that I've been going to school for the past 4 years to obtain.
I'm a nervous wreck. I feel like a bumbling idiot when talking to managers, like I'm just repeating myself or making no sense at all or sounding false (or a number of other negative things). It's nerve-wrecking to think that the people I talked to today have the ability to control the path my life takes for the next few years. Do I even know what I want my life to be in the next few years?
Basically, this isn't Neverland, and I'm being rushed into growing up at full, rushing speed. And it's scary as heck.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Sometimes it feels like I have all the time in the world, yet no time to do anything. It's a really weird feeling, and it explains these next 2-3 weeks perfectly.